Home > Artworks > Drawings/Sketches
Charcoal, black stone and acrylic on paper,
20' x 27,5 inches
Drawing, black stone and fusain
40' x 55 inches
"Les harmonies du vent"
Pastel sec on paper Sennelier
MIxed media on canvas
32' x 32 inches
"Un souffle d'horizon"
Pastel on paper Sennelier
Mixed media on canvas
28' x 28 inches
Tango libre
Charcoal, back stone and mixed media canvas
32' x 32 in.
Rien qu'eux
drawing on paper
"Allegro fugato"
Charcoal, black stone and mixed media on canvas
29' x 24 in.
Les impétueux
Mixed media on canvas (acrylic and black stone)
16' x 16 inches
Drawing on paper